A Greenland Story is an independent film made as a passion project by an adventurous crew from the West of Ireland and the Netherlands. In many ways this film acts as the document of our search for answers as we met people along Greenland’s spectacular west coast. Inspired by their unique culture and their connection with the natural world, we felt it was important to tell this story during a time of such drastic change to both culture and climate.
We were led by captain Jamie Young who has formed a strong connection with Greenland over the last decade after visiting numerous times, having sailed to Disko Bay in 2015. Jamie’s yacht, the Killary Flyer, allowed us to travel the coast moving from village to village. Many of Greenland’s isolated villages are quite inaccessible making this a very difficult place to make a film. Its tiny population spread along a vast coastline with no roads connecting its towns. Our boat was the only way for us to get access to many communities and with a focused on highlighting the impact of climate change we felt it was important to travel by boat, rather than by air, to lessen our emissions.
After sailing trans-Atlantic through all types of weather, we ate and slept on board during the months up there, using a petrol generator on deck to charge camera batteries and power our hard drives each evening. Out in the midnight sun, we captured some beautiful shots among the ice in our rib, brought from Ireland by our skipper Ciaran.
A huge thanks to everyone up in Greenland for sharing their stories and for making us feel so welcome. Massive thanks also to our sponsors without whom this film may not have been possible. We hope you enjoy the film!